Global IOC Faculty
Terence Nkhwashu, PhD
Terence is one of the founding members of Angaza OC. Angaza is the Swahili word that means “enlighten”. As Organizational Coaches, Angaza offers corporate clients executive-, individual- and team coaching. Angaza helps team members identify and embrace their unique contribution to the team, whilst appreciating and respecting the diversity of the team. For Angaza it is all about high performing teams and team excellence.
Terence has led many teams in his career and has had extensive experience in managing and developing people. He is passionate about Strategy and Planning, with specific focus on design, development, and implementation of strategic plans. He enjoys translating vision into strategy with implementation plans and monitoring tools.
Terence has developed Strategic Planning tools and techniques that can assist organizations find a solution to what could easily be perceived as unimportant or secondary and yet with major consequences if not addressed. Strategic planning is used as a technique and or methodology to assist organizations translate their vision into practical strategies’ and plans to achieve their goals and objectives, embedded in their dreams and aspirations.
Terence holds a Master of Arts in Leadership and Management and Doctor of Leadership and Management (Research work - Strategy and Planning) - Logos University (Jacksonville, Florida, USA).
Contact details:
+2782 521 2006