Winter Program Begins – Tuesdays, February 18, 2024 – 11 am EST – 16 wks
For individuals and corporations who want to take their coaching skills to the next level, the Global Institute of Organizational Coaching (Global IOC) offers a Senior Registered Professional Coach Program. This program provides participants with advanced coaching skills that develop the ability to coach in increasingly complex and challenging situations within a business context. Participants will learn the Global IOC Coaching Model™ developed from the latest research and best practices in coaching.
Curriculum components include the selection and use of assessments in coaching, resources to advance coaching knowledge and practice leading to mastery and acceleration of client success, and a series of development resources to help coaches grow their own coaching business. The program structure is a blend of virtual highly interactive sessions along with self-paced independent learning. One to one supervision with master certified faculty deepen and enhance the coaching practice. A portfolio submission includes a project focused on a topical area of interested to the candidate.
For more information and to Apply for Admission, click here.